- All living beings require food. 一切生物都需要食物。
- Qi is the life force that flows through all living beings. 气是流走于身体内的生命动力。
- Impartiality or equanimity towards all living beings in the world, whether friends or foes, and life long abstention from injury to living beings, is a vow difficult to observe. 公正和平和的对待世界上的一切生物,不论他们是朋友还是敌人,永远不要去伤害他们这是一条很难做到的誓言。
- XishuangBanna is a paradise in which all living Beings thrive and flourish. 西双版纳是一个繁茂的生物世界。
- The most fortunate thing in life is being able to forgive and sympathize with all living beings. 人生最幸福的就是能宽容与悲悯一切众生的人。
- All living beings are endowed with an instinct for survival. 生物都有求生存的本能。
- If we acknowledge and value the sentience of all living beings, there can be no exception when it comes to our food simply because we enjoy the taste of another's body. 如果我们尊重所有的众生,那麽我们不能因为我们喜欢他们被烹调后的口味而将他们当做例外。
- All living beings will sooner or later realize Buddhahood, regardless of whether they are human beings in this life and whether or not they believe in Buddhism. 因此,是凡众生,早晚都要成佛的,不管你这辈子作不作人,信不信佛。
- The land silently accepts everything done by all living beings, no matter how it is trampled on or ruined recklessly. 众生们再怎么践踏土地,蹧踏这块土地,土地还是默默的承受。
- He is not noble who injures living beings. He is called noble because he is harmless towards all living beings. 伤害生命者不是圣人;不会伤害一切生命者才是圣人。
- Schweitzer's bioethics pertaining to all living beings is both a practice-oriented ethics and a situation ethics. 认为:人必须像敬畏自己的生命意志一样敬畏所有的生命意志。
- He then explained to M. that Brahman alone has become the universe and all living beings. 接着他向M解释梵天独一无二地成为了宇宙和所有的生命。
- King, the sound of Krsna's flute steals the minds of all living beings, both animate and inanimate. 噢国王,主奎师那的笛声偷走万物的心,动物和静物一起。
- Shakyamuni Buddha says:“All living beings have the Buddha-nature, and all can become Buddhas. 释迦牟尼佛说:一切众生皆有佛性,一切众生皆可成佛。
- The Buddha said: " Good indeed, Varjrapania. You protect this Dharma and do not let it stop for the great benefit of all living beings in the future. 尔时世尊;说此宝箧印陀罗尼;广作佛事;然后往彼;婆罗门家;受诸供养;令时人天;获大福利;却还所住.
- It will tell the world: one that loves the people is a powerful military, one that cherishes life is a well-grounded state and one that embraces all living beings is a nation no force can beat. 它将告诉每一个人:爱人们的军队是一个强有力的军队,珍惜生命的国家是一个牢不可破的国家,拥抱全部生命的民族是一个任何力量都打不倒的民族.
- Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. 尊敬的法官先生,若干年以前,我发现我跟所有的生物都是血肉相连的。 我还断定,我不比地球上最卑贱者优越一分一毫。
- At the same time, the Tathagata was in Samadhi like he always does, and simultaneity speaking Dharmas for all living beings with many expedient means. 皆作如是神通变化。如来常在三昧。以方便力故为众生说法。
- All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都必须出示车票。
- When we love all living beings the energy is released safely under the pure calling of our essential nature.Can it be released unsafely? 是的,就是当爱产生了执著时,就是一方面在促使海底轮释放能量,一方面又在促使这股能量走错路。